BCITSA to support “Yes” in transit vote
The move means students can expect to see a stronger “Yes” presence on campus in the coming weeks
The move means students can expect to see a stronger “Yes” presence on campus in the coming weeks
The minimum number of members required to approve the upcoming referendum that would increase students’ fees by $25 dollars was barely met during last council meeting. Twenty-six people attended the meeting this Monday Feb. 23rd, during which council approved to hold a referendum on the last week of March regarding the student fee increase for…
Council beat reporter Estefania Duran checks in the machinations of student government.
This week: student fees, the transit referendum, and Rec services.
The upcoming transportation referendum was the focus of the student Council meeting on Jan. 26th. The Student Association asked Council whether or not they should take a stance on TransLink’s upcoming plebiscite. Other student Associations have publicly expressed their support for the referendum. UBC’s Alma Mater Society is one of the student society’s that has…
Student council had its first meeting this Monday January 12th. BCIT’s Student Association began 2015 with a new voting system in place for council meetings. Rather than using the traditional hand vote, the Association obtained i>Clicker2s for all councillors and board members. All votes are shown immediately on the screen and a record is taken…
For students frustrated from the wait when wanting to book study time at the EhPod, the a proposed $1 million dollar expansion might be the answer to the problem. BCIT’s Student Association has allocated $170,000 from its student space committee budget to the project, and is waiting on approval of the remaining $895,000 from the…
During the AGM held this Monday Nov. 17th, LPP Chartered Accountants reviewed the Association’s annual finances, worth millions of dollars. Some of the major expenses last term included the renovation of the second floor of SE2, creating more club meeting room, childcare expenses, renovation of the student lounge of the Downtown campus, etc. A majority…
Voting for BCIT’s Student Association by-election is taking place this week. But only those students taking a course or enrolled in the School of Computing and Academic Studies are eligible to vote. Voting will end this Thursday Nov. 20th at noon, and the result will be announced online by 2:00pm that day. Chief Returning Officer…
By-Election BCIT’s student council met again on Monday Nov. 3rd where a committee was chosen to manage the upcoming by-elections that will fill the position of Computing and Academic Studies Chair. The committee will be composed of Chief Returning Officer (CRO) and Student Affairs VP Evan Findlay, Aerospace Technology VP Daniel Sumano, School of Energy…
Calgary isn’t exactly world-renowned as a skate city. Serious winters mean seriously short seasons. For Ian Twa, one of our country’s top skate exports, that meant finding ways to head South and ride as often as possible. That led him to a spot on the pro touring roster with Zoo York, and branded boards sporting…
School of Computing and Academic Studies Chair, Alexander Clarke, handed in his letter of resignation to SA President Dylan Smith just hours before council met on Monday October 20th. According to President Smith, Clarke will no longer be attending BCIT, as he will be pursuing a different career path. Clarke’s departure leaves the SA with…
BCIT’s Student Council met again this Tuesday, October 7th. The meeting began with a concern voiced by Anya Besharah, an Environmental Health student, who asked about BCIT’s policy on electronic cigarettes. Subsequent to Vancouver City Councillors’ vote to ban e-cigarettes in public spaces, Besharah was interested in knowing how this would affect BCIT policy. Many…