With finals in full swing, you’ll be hard pressed to find anybody in the halls of BCIT. The pub on the other hand… now that’s going off right about now.
With finals in full swing, you’ll be hard pressed to find anybody in the halls of BCIT. The pub on the other hand… now that’s going off right about now.
It’s starting to get pretty cold around here, and no, I’m not talking about your boyfriend’s reaction to asking him if he wants to go see the new Disney movie Frozen, when you know he’s got Finals tomorrow!… I’m talking about frozen dirt! Thanks @hugette_c for this dismal reminder that Winter sucks sometimes. Make sure…
Tomorrow (Dec. 6) we’re giving away this iPad Mini just in time for you to be done finals and looking for a little reward. All you have to do is “Like” the Link Facebook Page and you’re automatically entered. Tell your friends and move even further up the “Nice” list…
Today’s ‘GRAM OF THE DAY demonstrates some of the characters you will undoubtedly find in every class: The Daydreamer, The Cellphone Browser, The Loud Snorer, The Backpack Snoozer and The Laptop Gamer. Should we add “Guy who’s supposed to be working but is instagramming instead” to the list? Tag us @thelinkmag if you’ve got a…
Holiday entertainment isn’t just about the Hollywood blockbusters and Love Actually commandeering cable television. For those looking for fresh entertainment ideas this season, ArtsClub Theatre currently has two shows on the go and both productions take a different spin on the classic Christmas stories. It’s Snowing in Saltspring (Now playing until December 28 on the Granville…
Starting today, we’re going to be posting a new photo everyday (okay, maybe not always on the weekend) from some of the awesome people we follow on Instagram. Today we were drawn to this hypnotizing paper airplane design courtesy of @bretonwhite and a bunch of bored BCIT Business students. Remember, if we don’t see it,…
It took a total of 1800 grueling volunteer hours for BCIT students to organize the Lights of Hope display, but two students told The Link it was worth every minute. Mark Francis and Amrit Atwal are just two of the 16 high school students enrolled in the BCIT Electrical Foundations program. Prior to setting up the lights,…
Museum of Vancouver’s hip, Vancouver-focused exhibits aim to create provocative conversations about the city. This aim makes it the perfect space for a rare retrospective of the work of one of Vancouver’s most remarkable architects, who had a significant impact on the city’s urban landscape. “Play House: The Architecture of Daniel Evan White”, the museum’s…
The first-ever Vancouver Tea Festival took place within the Olympic Village on November 2. The event was an overwhelming success: tickets sold out just an hour and a half after the doors opened. Del Tamborini, co-founder of the festival, says that the festival was the idea of several of his former colleagues from the Tea…
“Art washes away from the soul the dust of every day life,” Pablo Picasso once said. Residents of the Lower Mainland are surrounded by local art in their daily routines: on SkyTrain platforms, downtown street corners, and on the walls of numerous coffee shops. Burnaby Art Gallery found a new way to share art in…
Researchers from BCIT’s Group for Advanced Information Technology (GAIT) are working on a ‘micro’ project that could have major impacts on the way Canadians use power. The project is Canada’s first Smart Power Microgrid – a network of smart meters, renewable power sources, and monitoring software distributed around BCIT that have transformed the school from…