The Link BCIT

Local Events: January 9-13

January 5 – February 3 PuSh International Performing Arts Festival Various locations The ninth installment of Vancouver’s most innovative festival promises to find new ways to challenge attendees. Over three mid-winter weeks, members of the audience are invited to become readers in a unique Human Library; watch Shakespeare’s King Lear as interpreted by a Taiwanese…

Top five albums you may have missed in 2012

Landmark Apollo Ghosts Apollo Ghosts have been kicking around Vancouver’s independent music scene for ages, with standout record after standout record, but never quite managing to break through to the next level. Landmark continues both these trends, serving up 15 criminally underappreciated tracks of catchy, jangly, indie guitar rock. Jumping from straight-ahead rock numbers “I’m…

The Link BCIT

Visit to China strengthens international partnerships

BCIT establishing a stronger international relationship with its partner institutions two BCIT staff members has strengthened BCIT’s international relationship with partner institutions and helped enrich the academic experience for domestic students. The trip was taken in late 2012 by Tracy Wang, the business development manager for BCIT International, and Pommashea Noel-Bently, vice president of external…

Strikes may continue at BCIT

Bargaining will resume this month after the union agreed not to take any strike action during the holiday season Faculty and Staff Association (FSA) and BCIT will resume this month, while the British Columbia Government Employees’ Union (BCGEU) also has yet to reach an agreement with BCIT. BCIT President Don Wright has announced that he…

Wi-Fi at BCIT a growing pain for students

On-campus Wi-Fi connectivity struggles to keep up with demand as number of devices continues to grow BCIT’s efforts to keep up with the increased number of independent Wi-Fi capable devices on campus have not eliminated student frustrations over connectivity and other Wi-Fi related issues. The BCIT Student Association (BCITSA) has received numerous, continuous complaints from…

The Link BCIT

Campus Shorts: 01/09/2013

Future of UBC microbrewery remains murky UBC’s new Student Union Building (SUB) will be opening soon, but there are questions about the student-run microbrewery set to be located there. In a spirited debate, Alma Mater Society (AMS) executives, permanent staff, alumni, and a vocal delegation from the BrUBC home-brewing club discussed the financial aspects of…