How to really make the most of your time on campus in 2013
Love or hate the idea of New Year’s resolutions, here are ten you don’t even need to think of yourself. All you need to do is try them out!
1. Book an on-campus massage for $10
Contact Recreation Services for more information, and remember: first come, first served.
2. Use the Uconnect Resource Centre
Awesome staff will give you info on campus events, free cooking classes, health coverage, and more! Not on Burnaby campus? Give them a shout at 604.451.7087 or visit them online at
3. Go check out BCIT in their Media page
Every so often, this page is updated and you can see BCIT folk in the world’s headlines. It could be you someday!
4. Use your free gym services!
Take advantage of open gym times, free fitness classes, and of course, the free weight room. Did I mention that this is all free?
5. Discover a new space on campus
Live and breathe in SE1? Check out the NW area. Who knows what you’ll find. No time, you say? Pack your lunch and replace the 15-minute Tim Hortons line-up with a stroll into new territory and their eateries.
6. Sign your classmates up for an intramural team
How can you possibly resist dodgeball, floor hockey, or volleyball? It’s so much better than studying and isn’t a huge dollar investment. Contact Recreation Services.
7. Attend a BCIT Student Association council meeting
Usually only councilors and executives attend, but all are welcome. Maybe you’ll even be inspired to run for student government. Ask your set rep for more info.
8. Think green
Email BCITSA staffer Ian Morton on ways you want to go green our campus: Or, take action by joining the BCIT Net Impact club. Contact:
9. Don’t pay more
Your student card earns you valuable discounts on Whistler/Blackcomb passes, car tire and oil changes, Vancouver hotels, and more. Don’t forget to ask about student discounts wherever you go! Recreation Services and Uconnect Resource Centre have more details.
10. Contribute to your campus newspaper
The Link wants your photos, your writing, and your funnies! Whether it’s news, culture, campus, opinions, or humour, we will pay for your skills and creativity! Email or visit[hr]