They are the whirlwind that is grabbing everyone by their ears and getting everyone up on their feet. Dear Rouge, husband-wife duo – Drew and Danielle McTaggart – are making a splash into the music scene in a big way. With their amazing stage presence and wicked catchy songs, these two are a force to be reckoned with.
As Drew, Danielle and I sat at the back of a cozy restaurant, Danielle told me how they beat out The Black Keys for a top position as one of the top rock alternative songs played in Canada this year.
The two said it was through radio support, because people have so many other options to listen to.
But you could see by the smiles on their faces how ecstatic they were.
When I asked them how they felt about this monumental success Drew said humbly, “it was just the right timing.”
No doubt these Peak Performance Project winners are on a roll!
Their whirlwind is sweeping everyone up who they come across, and anyone who listens to them almost immediately becomes a Rougaholic. The Vancouver Canucks even fell in love with them, asking them to perform their home opener.
If you haven’t heard them already, make sure you check out new album, Black to Gold coming out next week.
It‘s your chance to become a Rougeaholic and I’m willing to bet that it will give you an eargasm!