“Eventually, there has to be a person that leaves Earth with no intention of ever coming back. I realized there is no reason this can’t be me.”
From the first scene, Lunarcy! draws the audience in with its fast-paced, witty narrative and quirky heroes. Successfully jumping from discussions of fornicating man-bats, to lunar sports, to moon rocks, this quirky documentary gives the audience a glimpse into the lives of several moon enthusiasts.Director Simon Ennis admits that the documentary was initially supposed to be a serious, straightforward look at the state of present-day moon exploration, but his ideas changed after meeting Christopher Carson.
With his patterned vests and impressively long sideburns, it is apparent from the very beginning that Christopher is an unusual guy with a story to tell. The man’s main oddity is more grandiose than his wardrobe or hairstyle — Carson’s dream is to colonize the moon. He is the sole founder of the Luna City or Bust! project, centred around sending humans to populate our celestial neighbour.
Carson is not alone in his strange lunar endeavour. His idea for a city on the moon was first inspired by Dennis Hope, a former puppeteer who claimed ownership of the moon, and sells real estate there from $24.99 (tax included). Other lunar enthusiasts include one of the first men on the moon Alan Bean, who has taken up painting lunar landscapes after his journey aboard Apollo 12, and Peter Kokh, creator of the Moon Miners’ Manifesto, a pamphlet for comfortable lunar living.
Shot in both HD and Super-8 formats, this tale of lunar obsession is a fascinating (and at times melancholy) flashback to the excitement of the Space Race years. Even for those without any special interest in the Moon before Lunarcy!, Ennis’ chronicle leaves the audience loony for its endearing heroes.[hr]