Every two weeks, the BCITSA meets to discuss issues and proposals that effect students. All students are welcome to attend to express any thoughts, opinions, ideas or concerns they have on the meeting agenda. Here’s what you need to know from the last two meetings of the BCIT Student Association (BCITSA) Council:
- In person club activities will continue to be suspended for the foreseeable future due to provincial health orders. Clubs can still get together at the student pub, student lounges, and the student gym.
- Habitat Pub extended its hours until 8pm on Thursday and Friday starting Nov 12. The pub will likely be open even later next semester.
- The BCITSA AGM is happening on Nov 29th. This is a great opportunity for students to express their thoughts and opinions for the future of the BCITSA.
- To help fund a student refugee program, the BCITSA is considering a referendum during the spring election. The program would increase student fees by approximately 50 cents annually to cover the living costs for one student in their first year and half their costs in their second year. Details are not confirmed and are subject to change.
- BCITSA shops are continuing to run a small and expected deficit in their budgets. This is due to the current 40 percent of students whose programs have not fully returned to campus.
- The BCITSA has released two videos on their social media that walk students through the services on offer for them through the SA. Members of the council will be promoting the videos to the public
- The VP of Equity & Sustainability, Yasmin Gardy, has conducted research into the creation of a reading week for students. The report has been submitted to BCIT and conversations are ongoing. The main pushback from the BCIT administration has been the potential isolation of international students.
Let us know what you think about these proposals. What do you want to see or hear more about from council? Make sure you attend or get in touch with us at editor@linkbcit.ca to let us know!

Jonah van Driesum is the senior editor of Link, and co-host of our the MicroLink podcast!