Yes, it’s that time of the year again! From the sound of the scrunching leaves to the warmth of a hot apple cider complementing the cool, autumn breeze, we know fall has arrived. And for most students, it is also an exciting (or nerve-wracking) back-to-school season! Taking a BCIT course load can seem daunting—it can even affect your mental health. When things become overwhelming, managing your time can make your life easier.
A Planner
A daily planner can be your best friend, especially when you have a million things to do throughout the week. Jotting down key deadlines, setting up team meetings, and planning which readings you will do on which day—are just a few vital benefits to using your planner. Another important aspect is to not only write down your to-do list but to do it. For some people, especially procrastinators, this might be the challenging part. Consider reminding yourself that if you get your homework and readings finished during the weekdays, you can take time on the weekend to enjoy yourself and recharge.
A Day of Rest
An intentional day of rest – a day for doing the things you appreciate, a day to spend with family and friends, or a day of doing absolutely nothing, can help to recharge for another busy week. If you can make that time for yourself, even if it’s just a portion of a day, you can let your mind take a break.
Take Time for Hobbies
What gives you life? What gives you energy? Whatever it is, do that activity on your rest day. Whether it’s taking care of your plants, going to an outdoor event, or spending time with loved ones, these small little things will make you feel refreshed and revitalized before Monday hits!
Re-Organize and Re-Orient
After taking time to rest, it’s time to reboot and restart. On Sunday evenings, try to take a little time to go over your planner and strategize your upcoming week. Doing this will keep you aware of due dates and inform you how demanding the week is going to be. If it’s a slower week, you can plan social events with friends or family as well, which will help you ease the pressure of school. Being a student can be overwhelming but learning to manage your time and taking time for yourself to recharge, revitalize, and reboot can enhance your school performance and mental health!