MPOW MAGNETO— $26.99 on
I love to workout (which you probably wouldn’t assume just by looking at me), and I get excited when I can bridge technology with my workouts. That’s why I did some digging and found some great Bluetooth earbuds that won’t break the bank.
I was apprehensive on this pair, mainly because I’ve had my eye on other bluetooth earphones such as the jaybirds and similar to these at a $40 price range. The product came in a deliciously small package, but what was inside had punch. There are many different options for wing tip sizes to keep the buds in, with 2 variations dependant on the activity.
The sound? Not too shabby at all. In my listening experience, I found the mids a little muddled and the highs and lows pretty solid. With the exception for one song that had a acoustic pronounced sound that made the lows and mids crunchy, overall every song I threw at it stood firm. If you’re not too picky about your sound and aren’t expecting god tier sound (like my audio technica m40x), then this will be perfect for you. The sound isn’t very full compared, but these are worth at least triple or quadruple the amount your paying.
I have no issues with the appearance at all. They have a very premium look and feel, with very hard to remove ear tips. When you’re wearing it, it will stick out a bit but that’s only natural. If you can make the earbuds fit for you, and it takes effort, then it’ll be great.
Very functional and the microphone worked fine for the person on the receiving end. I tried working out with this, some mid level cardio and I found one ear wasn’t holding up as well as the other which meant that I had to adjust it a few times. I believe if you find the right fit (which i’m working on) then it will feel perfect for you. I tried wearing them for more than an hour, and started to feel slightly uncomfortable as it was dragging down by its weight. Nonetheless, it stood up to commuting and did a pretty good job of isolating
UX/UI Designer studying Digital Design and Development (D3) at the BCIT Burnaby Campus. Jarell’s interests are vast, such as running his own photography business, design, music, tech and writing. He loves to go on hikes whenever he can, or work as a background performer when the seasons right. He’s also into tv, movies, and video games, as well as being a Vice President of Internal Communications for BCIT eSports. Check out his portfolio: