The Link BCIT

Leave it to Bieber

The Reverend offers some words of wisdom on Justin Bieber’s Anne Frank gaff [hr] Dear Justin, I’m telling you this as a friend. You need to start listening to your publicist. Don’t have one? Here’s my card. It’s not that you’re not a great musical talent or that there is anyone who hasn’t heard about…

Electronic textbook sales low at BCIT

Cost and format differences might be making electronic textbooks an unattractive option for BCIT students   Electronic book sales have been consistently low across post-secondary schools in BC, and BCIT is no exception. Electronic versions of textbooks have been offered at BCIT for a few years now, but numbers show that students still prefer the…

BCITSA and board of governors election results announced

The results of the BCIT Student Association election and BCIT board of governors election have been announced. Listed below are the winners. CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL STORY President Rebecca Davidson (automatically given a seat on BCIT’s board of governors as part of VP student affairs portfolio) Vice President, Finance & Administration Brad Johnson Vice President, Campus Life…