
Summer Reading

I love summer reading! Preferably by a body of water; pool, river, lake, or ocean, I am not picky. But honesty compels me to confess I also love winter reading, fall reading, reading on a plane, reading on a train, a book is essentially my green eggs and ham. Despite the ubiquitous presence and joy…

Centering Whiteness

Heritage and culture feel like fraught topics of discussion that will inevitably lead to me embarrassing myself and revealing my ignorance, if not latent racism. However, for me, because I am white, the discussion and consequences are not inevitable. I can choose to avoid discussing culture and heritage for fear I will make a mistake,…

BLM March

Reaching for Justice

BLM March “What a year,” said every commentator everywhere. Not only did the scourge of COVID-19 spread across the globe, but we also saw social movements calling for change take root. At times, social justice movements have been mocked as ‘social justice warriors,’ scorned as if they are out to steal, or, perhaps most devastatingly,…