Everything Pharrell Williams touches turns to gold. Take “Get Lucky” for example — A sick Daft Punk beat in its own right, but layer in the N.E.R.D. frontman’s soulful vocals and – BOOM – massive hit.
So what do you do when the music world’s attention is turned on you and everyone’s waiting for your next great song? You do something nobody has ever done before: you produce the world’s first 24-hour music video. Introducing 24hoursofhappy.com. That’s right, for his track “Happy” (a track that might normally have been buried on the Despicable Me soundtrack) Pharrell and creative director Yoann Lemoine have released this crazy little website that allows you to scroll around a dial, stopping in at any hour/minute/second of “the day” and watch people of all shapes and sizes, dancing through the streets to the beat of his infectiously positive song. Beautifully shot; hard to turn off.
Anyone out there think they have what it takes to watch all 24 hours? Better yet, anyone out there want to submit their own version?
Submit your video to publications@bcits.ca and we’ll post them on our YouTube channel.