If you missed this book in early 2014, you might want to check it out, especially as fear and terrorism creep evermore into our daily news. Karimé Kuri gives this poignant tale a closer look.
Zak Ebrahim’s The Terrorist’s Son is a depiction of hope and choice for people raised in a toxic environment. The story starts and unravels with the core facts: Ebrahim—originally Abdulaziz Nosair— explains that he is the son of El-Sayyid Nosair, the man involved in the killing of a well known right wing Jewish activist in 1990, and also responsible for planning the 1993 World Trade Centre explosion. His father, according to Ebrahim, was also one of the men responsible for the fall of the two towers in 2001. After presenting this revealing and important fact, he recounts the circumstances that led to both incidents, and their effects on him and his family.
Ebrahim lived in the poorest conditions and was bullied for most of his childhood by peers and his own stepfather. He was harshly subjected to social prejudice and judgment until he decided to change his name.
Still, Ebrahim opts to live a life free of hatred and violence, turning away from following his father’s footsteps. He instead lives a life of acceptance of people of other cultures, religions, and of course sexual orientation; a life reinforced by his mother’s striking quote: “I am so sick of hating people.”
The book allows readers to realize that sometimes we do not know how much hatred comes from diverse religions and cultures. We spend our lives trying to change others in fear of their differences from us that we forget to love and accept each other.
This book is the easiest and fastest 96 pages I’ve ever read, perfect to read in one sitting. It’s ideal: to understand the idea of love, reminding us of the concept of tolerance no matter the race, culture or religion.