Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story is a perfect addition to the line up at the Vancouver International Film Festival this year, in a city keen on sustainability and recycling. Filmmakers Grant Baldwin and Jen Rustemeyer commit to a diet of so-called wasted food for 6 months in this year’s MustSeeBC winner.
Much to the surprise of friends, family, and filmgoers, the two do not have to look far to find edible wasted food. In fact, in their biggest find, they unearth a shipping container “the size of a small swimming pool” loaded with hummus. With such an abundance of wasted food, the film raises the question: Why are we wasting time and energy producing food when almost half of it is thrown away?
The film explores other themes as well. These include the culture of abundance we’ve grown accustomed to with our meals, the fascination with perfect-looking produce that leads to gallons of edible food thrown away, and efforts to redirect unwanted resources without putting them into landfills.
Just Eat It is funny, thought provoking, and is bound the steer the ship in the next wave of environmental consciousness, one best-before date at a time.