The Audacity to Be Queen is a self-help book for women struggling to find their inner “Queen” in a masculine-run society. It’s a guide for women wanting to achieve anything and everything they want but who don’t know how (or that it’s not impossible).
DeVee shares her own story-from starting as a small-town psychotherapist to becoming a life coach, hosting life-changing, inspiring seminars and helping other women achieve success. By DeVee’s definition, success is anything you want your most fabulous life to look like. It may be entrepreneurial like her own story or anything else to do with relationships, careers or personal ambitions.
This book reintroduces readers to femininity and masculinity, except with the yin and yang concept in mind. With this philosophy, what distinguishes the two energies is not gender or clothing as society often thinks. Instead it argues, masculinity is strict and linear while femininity is flexible and more flowing as energies, without ties to gender.
DeeVe suggests that our masculine-oriented world knows only one word: “or.” She enables women to choose the “and” instead; education and start-up as opposed to education or start-up. She discusses manifestation archetypes that most women struggle with and how to achieve the Queen archetype.
Having read this book as a woman, I recommend it to anyone I can. It’s changed my life completely and has given me confidence to pursue my dreams without doubt. Though my journey has just begun, in many ways I can see my life goals and dreams beginning to materialize. Coming from a place of self-loathing, insecurity, and confusion, I’ve healed my relationship with myself, gained confidence, and found a career path I want to pursue. This is just the beginning. Not only for me, but it could be for you too.