Tired of online classes and watching Netflix? Here is your one-stop-shop for links to online games to play with friends over Zoom!
Board Games
7 Wonders Duel (2): https://sevenee.mattle.online/welcome
Agricola (2-4): http://play-agricola.com/
Azul (2-4): https://azee.mattle.online/
Backgammon (1-2):
Battleship (1-2): http://en.battleship-game.org/
Blokus (2-4): https://blokee.mattle.online/
Board Game Online (1-16): https://www.boardgame-online.com/
Brass (2-4): http://brass.orderofthehammer.com/
Century: Spice Road (2-5): https://spicee.mattle.online/
Checkers (1-2):
Codenames (4+):
- http://codewordsgame.com/
- https://www.horsepaste.com/
- https://siemanko.github.io/words2/
- https://netgames.io/games/codenames/
- https://codewords.tv/home
- https://captnemo.in/codenames/
Diplomacy (2-7):
Dominion (2-6): https://dominion.games/
GO (1-2):
Love Letter (2-4): https://netgames.io/games/love-letter/
Monopoly (2-4): http://www.webopoly.org/https://www.pogo.com/games/monopoly
Risk (2-6): http://www.wargear.net/
Scattergories (2-6): https://scattergoriesonline.net/
Scrabble (2-4):
Settlers of Catan (2-4):
Splendor (2-4): https://spendee.mattle.online/
Yahtzee (1-2): https://cardgames.io/yahtzee/
Card Games
A standard deck of cards: http://playingcards.io/game/standard-deck
Cards Against Humanity (4+):
Coup (2-6): https://coup.thebrown.net/
Crazy 8’s: http://playingcards.io/game/crazy-eights
Go Fish: http://playingcards.io/game/go-fish
Hanabi (2-5): https://hanabi.live/
Keyforge (2): https://thecrucible.online/
Legend of the Five Rings (2): https://jigoku.online/
Match Up:
Poker (2-9): https://blockchain.poker/
Uno (2-10):
Drawing Games
A Fake Artist Goes to New York (5-10): https://kc-fakeartistonline.herokuapp.com/
Drawful 2 (4+):
Telestrations (4+): https://www.brokenpicturephone.com/
Jigsaw Puzzles
Trivia Games
Quizbowl: https://protobowl.com/
You Don’t Know Jack: https://www.ydkj.co.uk/
Social Deduction Games
Avalon (5-10):
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (4-12): http://ninjabunny.github.io/mihk/
Inhuman Conditions (2): http://interrogation.ftwinston.com/
One-Night Werewolf (4+):
Secret Hitler (5-10):
Spyfall (3+):
The Resistance (5-10): http://www.theresistanceplus.com/
Traditional Mafia (4+):
All links are kindly provided by Nathania Hartojo.