The New Year has officially begun and with that comes the influx of new years resolutions, many of which focus around financial stability and budgeting. However, unless you’re lucky enough to be the winner of the upcoming powerball lottery, being a student at a time when the Canadian dollar is hitting record lows does not exactly leave you in a position to save any money.
While the tough economic times make it easier to resist the urge to go out on weekends and to choose studying in the library over going for a movie, you still need to be able to live a little. So how can you get out and have some fun without breaking the bank? With this list of fun, free activities!
Get out on the Green
While skiers and snowboarders are taking advantage of the mountains this season, those of us trying to save (aka unable to afford a lift pass) are looking elsewhere for some active options. Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver is offering free pitch and putt to visitors throughout the winter. Barring poor weather, this can make for a great day to get out and have some fun with friends.
Plus, the park has some amazing views of the city and, located across the street from the King Ed Canada line station, is easily accessible by transit!
The Sunday Service
A weekly feature at the Fox Cabaret on Main st., The Sunday Service has become Vancouver’s longest running independent improve show. For only $7, you can enjoy a 2 hour-long performance by this award-winning troupe. The Fox Cabaret is conveniently located just on Main st. just off Broadway, conveniently making it one b-line away!
Test out your musical abilities
The most expensive of the options at $10, a drop-in evening with Impromptu! is sure to delight! This non-traditional community choir is a fun way to try out singing regardless of your musical background. You can head down for 7pm for a quick informational session or head down at 7:30pm if you just want to dive right in. Impromptu has covered hits by everyone from Florence & The Machine, the Killers, Arcade Fire, the Kinks, the Rolling Stones, the Beatles and many more.
These sessions happen every Tuesday and Thursday so check out their website for details on location and let your inner Beyonce (or Elvis or Michael Jackson) loose!
Of course, if these activities are just too much for your schedule right now you can always book yourself into the new Nap Room on campus and enjoy a little R&R.