Kill The Lights, the urban Vancouver-based dance company, showed off their moves, style, and attitude at the International Dance Festival. The group of some fifty dancers thrashed out at Gastown’s Woodward auditorium with locals crowding around. While the dancers were not coordinated throughout the entire performance, the energy they radiated compensated for such.
KTL’s style and street cred mirrored East Van’s character, further enhanced by the ambiance of Woodward. Their pink hoodies were endorned with safety pins each owner clipped on, allowing the designs to spark individuality in a mass of look-alikes. Others dressed in primarily black coordinated their outfits to show off skin in unique patterns.
A glimmer in her eyes validated her space in the dance world.
The amateure group understated some stand alone artists whose personalities shone through the horde. A few contemporary dancers showed off their flexibility and edginess, while other hip hop-based dancers marked their territory through hard technique. One solo performer took over the floor with her technical cross of ballet and street. A glimmer in her eyes validated her space in the dance world.
Overall, a great performance for those new to the dance scene, and wanting a taste of Vancouver’s growing passions. Families, students, and neighbours united under the paper bag glow of Woodward, where dancers proudly stood for East Van’s rep.
Selenna loves creating change through written media platforms, and is thoroughly enjoying her experience with Link Magazine. She has also worked for the publishing organizations PRISM Magazine, Surrey Women’s Centre, Her Campus, Sojourners, and McCreary. Selenna has been published for her creative, academic, and journalistic writing. Selenna can be found travelling, doing ballet or yoga, and watching “Daria.”