People arm in arm by the water

The Culture of Cultures

Kendall Jenner’s new product, 818 Tequila, hit the market this past February and became an instant controversy. Many have called this an example of cultural appropriation, claiming that Jenner is taking away from local Mexican artisans by profiting from their traditions and competing with their local businesses. Bruno Mars also became the centre of a…

Centering Whiteness

Heritage and culture feel like fraught topics of discussion that will inevitably lead to me embarrassing myself and revealing my ignorance, if not latent racism. However, for me, because I am white, the discussion and consequences are not inevitable. I can choose to avoid discussing culture and heritage for fear I will make a mistake,…

People on a beach

Photo Feature: Elin Molenaar

When Elin Molenaar came to Vancouver from Dirkshorn in the Netherlands for her gap year, she came with an interest in telling a visual story and capturing moments. Using a friends second-hand camera, she snapped the beauty in the world around her while taking notes from her boyfriend, who is also a photographer. She would…