Somebody sad looking at a phone

Ideal Identity

Social media is no stranger in our daily routine. The average person spends seven hours online each day, and around two-and-a-half hours of that using social media. You probably checked it prior to reading this and will again after. That’s not said to be critical; our frequent use of social media is understandable. After all,…

Working at a desk in the dark

Zoom Fatigue

“The distractions of not being in the classroom have caused the primary thing, a person’s education, to become almost a background topic.” In March 2020, Zoom Video Communications’ stock was around $100USD. As of September 10, 2021, this number stands at $301.50USD. It is not a shock to see the exponential rise of Zoom, especially…

Look Forward

Look Forward

Look Forward Two summers ago, I squeezed myself into an overcrowded Skytrain every day. My routine back then was simple: I’d wake up at 8 am, head to school where I was volunteering as a research assistant at a psychology lab, meet with a handful of participants to run them through the experiment, have picnic…

5 Self-Love Languages

Love by Nazanin Hosseinmardi “The most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. Because no matter  what happens, you will always be with yourself.”            —Diane Von Furstenberg   I can’t agree with Diane Von Furstenburg’s quote more. No matter what happens in life, you will always have yourself. Hence why it…