
Summer Reading

I love summer reading! Preferably by a body of water; pool, river, lake, or ocean, I am not picky. But honesty compels me to confess I also love winter reading, fall reading, reading on a plane, reading on a train, a book is essentially my green eggs and ham. Despite the ubiquitous presence and joy…

Covid vaccine

Politics 411

If 2020 was a television drama, it would be the envy of all political shows made to date. We finally saw an end to Trump’s America, a new government in BC, and of course, the politicization of a global pandemic that changed lives.   The political winds swirled. They shifted enough to welcome Biden into…

Drawing of studio

Small Businesses Take Over 2020

It is an understatement to say this past year has changed us all. From the lockdown last March to where we stand today, we have all lived through an important part of history. Despite assistance from the government, financial stability quickly became a growing issue. When businesses began slowly reopening, the employment search was difficult.…

BLM March

Reaching for Justice

BLM March “What a year,” said every commentator everywhere. Not only did the scourge of COVID-19 spread across the globe, but we also saw social movements calling for change take root. At times, social justice movements have been mocked as ‘social justice warriors,’ scorned as if they are out to steal, or, perhaps most devastatingly,…

Question of the year

The Question of the Year

Question of the year 2020 was like nothing we’d ever seen. What was meant to be a fresh start in a new year and decade was quickly derailed by a pandemic, an immense sense of civil unrest, a tanking economy, never-ending lockdowns, and a general sense of uncertainty.   In a year so dramatic, so…