If you don’t want to carry around hand warmers or a mug of hot cocoa to keep yourself toasty, I suggest the staple sweater. Whether it’s a zip up or a pullover is your choice; I won’t judge. 😉 (Ria Renouf)
It looks like some BCIT Burnaby Campus buildings won’t have heat for a while.
If you have classes in NE01, SE02, SE10, SE12, SE14, SW02, SW03, SW05, and SW09, you’ll have to dress a little warmer (or in layers!) as Facilities Services tries to fix the heating lines. These lines are an important means to getting heat to the buildings in question.
In case you missed it, Facilities Services sent out an e-mail saying the school would be working on heating lines that had the potential to fail if they weren’t repaired.
The school has put in a request for funding to get started on the repairs right away – though they’re not sure when the affect lines will be fully repaired.
Anyone with any questions can contact Peter Morgana at pmorgana@bcit.ca – or, you can call Facilities at 604.432.8777.
Ria Renouf is an Associate Editor for BCIT’s Link Magazine. A second-year Broadcasting student, she’ll report on anything; her first loves, however, are movies, music, gaming and technology. Outside of BCIT she reads many books and cheers for the Vancouver Canucks and Seattle Seahawks. She also aspires to be a new generation’s Tintin, and does so by reporting for radio station CKNW News Talk 980AM’s news desk.