written and recorded by Grace Miller and Sophie Tomei
Away from the clacking of keys and boardroom meetings awaits a world full of glamorous makeup, adorable cats, and funny voices. BCITSA Chair of the School of Computing and Academic Studies Justin Saint lives several lives as a computer systems technology student, makeup artist, voice actor, and cat sanctuary volunteer. There’s a good chance that however busy you think you are, Justin might have you beat. According to Justin, “Maths and science is art, you just need to find out ways to use it creatively. And that was kind of one of the main reasons why I switched to BCIT was to kind of marry the two together.”
When not focused on schoolwork, Justin is passionate about inclusivity and strives to make sure all BCIT students feel represented. They ran the first-ever drag show at the Habitat Pub on February 16th. As a queer student themselves, they recognized a need to amplify the voices of their LGBTQ+ peers.
“We have policy in place against discrimination,” Justin explains, “to fully welcome a minority, it is important to actively welcome them in.”
A Structured Routine for Success
A typical day for Justin is intense; their routine packed. They start by waking up naturally at around eight and getting a bit of meditation in.
“I do try to give myself a bit of time to meditate or just kind of settle in. I’m not a morning person at all,” Justin admits. Their moment of peace is followed by diving straight into checking their various communication channels.
“There’s four different apps that I need to check to make sure I’m getting all the messages.”
Among many positive messages are often students with complaints and frustrations. Justin has had his share of experience navigating tense situations. In his opinion, the most effective approach is to just be kind.
“I make sure that my wording is as kind as possible…I do try to at least make sure it’s a good resolution.”
After that, there will be an afternoon full of meetings. Keep in mind that this is still only the first half of Justin’s day. They reserve their evenings for academics and schoolwork. “I kind of switch brains and go into academic mode.”
Day to Day: A Balancing Act
Managing many responsibilities while being an effective leader is something that Justin excels at, but like most things, being Chair isn’t always smooth sailing. Imposter syndrome is real, and Justin is not immune. In their opinion, the most valuable thing you can do is ask for help if you need it.
“The biggest thing for anyone in any leadership role is if you don’t know, make sure you know at least who to ask,” Justin advises.
Even though they do what they love, their days sometimes still feel like work. Yet through it all, Justin manages to make their schedule function while keeping themselves sane.
“If I don’t see my cats and my boyfriend, then I’d probably start losing it.”