Odds are, you’re a student at BCIT with a workload that requires a huge time commitment. It can often feel like you need to spend every minute to focus on your program while excluding time for social outings and helping out your community.
Since the onset of COVID-19, blood donations have been considerably reduced but the need for blood remains, and in many cases, it’s actually increased. Blood, plasma, and platelets are a critical part of many medical treatments commonly taken for granted. Without an adequate supply sourced from blood donors, most major surgeries and cancer treatments would not even be possible, and every donation makes a lifesaving difference.
Canadian Blood Services implemented safety measures, robust cleaning, and screening protocols to ensure a comfortable environment where recipients would feel protected from COVID-19. Over the summer, Student Association executives Claire McCallum (left), Matthew Miller (centre), and Yasmin Gardy (right) donated blood together at the Oak Street clinic in Vancouver.
“The gift of donating blood benefits one person’s life, and the lives they share with others,” says Gardy. “It is an act that means the world to more than just one individual, you are giving life [and more time] to their families and loved ones.”
“I’ve donated blood on my own for the past few years, but it was my first time with a group donation,” says Miller. “The Canadian Blood Service made the entire experience more convenient for us by booking a taxi for to and from transportation. Their staff were friendly and the procedures in the clinic created a very safe atmosphere with COVID-19 screening upon entry. Everyone wore their masks, and juice and salty snacks were provided to us after donating. Overall, it only took one hour from start to finish, and we left knowing that our donation made a difference in someone’s life.”
“Donating blood is a selfless act of helping others in a meaningful way that can improve someone’s life by offering the gift of time,” says McCallum. She hopes the group’s contributions inspire the BCIT community to continue helping others in times of need.
“We students have more power than we realize, and when it’s focused on giving back to help our community, that’s true leadership,” says Miller.
Every minute of every day, someone in Canada needs blood. Blood donors give people access to lifesaving treatments, and they are an essential part of Canada’s Lifeline. We are all incredibly busy students, but by donating blood and a few minutes of your day, you are helping someone make it to their tomorrow.