A ribbon-cutting celebration of the BCIT North Campus Infrastructure Project (NCIP) as it is presented the Envision Gold award for Sustainable Infrastructure.
BCIT is the first educational institution in Canada to have the sustainability of one of its infrastructure projects validated through a rigorous, third-party process against the Envision framework. The $49.6 million project is recognized for prioritizing a complex design process that integrated stakeholder feedback and the needs of a changing campus environment.
When: Friday, October 4, 2019
10:30 am– Media and guests arrive. Refreshments provided.
10:45 am– Welcome remarks by Lorcan O’Melinn, Vice President, BCIT Administration and CFO
Indigenous acknowledgment by Elder Anne Prince
Remarks by Doug Eveneshen, Chair, BCIT Board of Governors
Remarks by the Honourable Melanie Mark, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training
Remarks by Kathy Kinloch, President, BCIT
Remarks by Envision
Final remarks, ribbon cutting, and photo opportunity
11:15 am– Tour of North Campus Infrastructure Project and additional photo opportunities
12:00 pm– Event concludes
British Columbia Institute of Technology
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC
Burnaby Campus, English Walk, between Buildings NE21 and NE22