In the bustling halls of the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), student leaders like Shelby Woida, Vice President of Equity and Sustainability at the BCIT Student Association (BCITSA), are making waves in advocating for equity and sustainability. Recently, Link had the opportunity to sit down with Shelby to discuss her impactful initiatives, challenges encountered, and hopes for the future.
“Last year, I moderated a workshop on gender equality in the classroom, and we had three gender-diverse students. We also hosted a workshop on decolonizing classrooms this year. I believe student leaders and organizations play a crucial role in driving social change by making structural changes within institutions,” shared Shelby when asked about specific initiatives she’s led to foster positive change on campus.
Personal experiences and interactions with diverse communities have shaped Shelby’s passion for equity and sustainability advocacy. “Education and awareness play a crucial role in promoting social justice and environmental stewardship,” she said, highlighting the importance of these factors within the campus community. She believes that our collective effort can lead to greater achievements and contribute to building a more aware society.
Working Together Toward A Common Goal
Collaboration emerged as a key theme in our conversation, with Shelby underscoring the significance of partnerships between student organizations and campus stakeholders. One notable collaboration was BCIT’s signing of the UN SDG, facilitated by the previous former VP of Equity and Sustainability, demonstrating the impact of collective action in driving sustainable development goals forward.
Challenges in Advocacy Work
Challenges are inevitable in advocacy work, and Shelby hasn’t been exempted. “Challenges include low attendance at events and resistance from senior-level staff and faculty,” she revealed. However, Shelby remains undeterred, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity.
When discussing the role of technology and social media in advocacy efforts, Shelby acknowledged their potential but also highlighted their limitations, particularly in engaging the campus community. She emphasized the importance of tangible, in-person events and discussions in fostering meaningful dialogue and driving engagement.
Empowering Future Leaders
Looking to the future, Shelby outlined emerging social issues that student leaders should focus on and highlighted gender equality and cultural sensitivity. “Sustaining momentum requires continuous education and awareness-building efforts,” she noted, emphasizing the importance of ongoing commitment to these causes.
Shelby also pointed to the importance of resources such as sustainability initiatives, diversity circles, and faculty and staff support. “Start by attending events, engaging in dialogue, and seeking out resources,” she advised students who may feel uncertain about getting involved in advocacy work.
After contributing to advocacy efforts, you may measure the effectiveness by looking at factors like attendance, feedback, and tangible changes. Unexpected outcomes often involve positive reception and a genuine desire for further engagement, she added.
A Glimpse Towards A Positive Future
Looking ahead, Shelby believes that cultural sensitivity training for faculty and incorporating sustainability initiatives into institutional policies are necessary to support equity and sustainability efforts on campus. As for her ongoing responsibilities, Shelby sees herself setting a legacy and fostering inclusivity within the campus community.
In closing, Shelby shared her hopes for the future of equity and sustainability efforts on campus. “I hope to see systemic changes and a culture of inclusivity on campus,” she said. Her ultimate legacy would be creating an environment where students feel welcomed, accepted, and empowered to advocate for positive change. Shelby’s dedication serves as an inspiration, reminding us of the power of student leadership in shaping a more equitable and sustainable future.