girl in ally holding flowers lollipop and teddy bear

A Rabbit Hole to Wonderland

Photography by Kirk Gabrillo  Dear Hatter,  You’re probably wondering why I am writing to you after all this time. Why have I decided to journey through the looking glass of our past?  I can share exactly why I am writing you this letter… which I hope you will receive since I know how backward life…

Evolving Family Dynamics: Nurturing Love, Co-parenting, & Relationships in Blended Families  

Over the past six decades, family structures have evolved from the traditional nuclear setup, which consists of a couple and children, to modern variations such as co-parenting and blended families. Each family structure has its own dynamics, which have evolved alongside them over the years. Various factors have influenced these dynamics, including technological advancements, shifting…

golden statue

Social Justice Affects Relationships 

At bars, are men now more cautious of being creepy toward women than they were years ago? If a joke tests one’s beliefs, should they speak up? Social justice is enmeshed in language, behaviour, and ideologies. Whether with emphasis or not noticeable, it intertwines in every relationship.   Ry Sword Avola (they/he), a Youth Program Facilitator…